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Session layer in a sentence

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Sentence count:16Posted:2020-12-05Updated:2020-12-05
Similar words: inversion layerapplication layerexpressionlesssessionpassionlesssessionsin sessionsessional
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(1) The session layer provides the session services described earlier.
(2) What does the session layer do ? Give some examples of this layer.
(3) On a network not using NetBIOS, the session layer is simply left out.
(4) The Session layer allows two applications on different computers to establish, use, and end a session.
(5) Descriptive name for the combination of session layer and transport protocol.
(6) Session Layer of the OSI model is responsible for establishing process - to - process commnunications between networked hosts.
(7) On a network using NetBIOS, the session layer is used.
(8) GSRP consists of two layers which are Application Session Layer ( ASL ) and Message Transport Layer ( MTL ).
(9) ISO/OSI Session Layer is an important part in the OSI 7-layer model.
(10) SOCKS Protocol is a kind of proxy protocol. It is on the session layer - the 5th layer of OSI model, which can carry through the fine-grained access control to the transmitted data.
(11) OSI/RM classify the structure of the network into application layer, presentation layer, session layer, transport layer, network layer, data link layer and physical layer.
(12) Based on the character of TCP, The article enhances a three- layer net application, which includes the Logical Link Control and Session Layer, to raise the reliability of communication.
(13) The invention discloses a network filtering method. Filtering strategies are set for network information in an application layer, a session layer and a network layer respectively.
(14) This article proposes a new NAT and firewall traversal protocol called Session Layer Protocol for P2P-SIP system.
(15) Instead, your programmers should store this information in the session layer of your Web application server or in a cookie.
(16) Side note: UDP port 2873 uses the Datagram Protocol, a communications protocol for the Internet network layer, transport layer, and session layer.
More similar words: inversion layerapplication layerexpressionlesssessionpassionlesssessionsin sessionsessionalobsessionjam sessionpossessionsupersessionregression lineobsessionalbull sessionrepossessionchess playerdispossessionspecial sessionself-possessionmorning sessionpractice sessionquarter sessionsafternoon sessiontake possession ofexecutive sessiontaking possessionsession managementmaterial possessionworldly possessions
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